How To Reset Post Holidays

The start of a new year brings with it an opportunity to reflect on how you plan to prioritise yourself and your health this year.

Many of us come into the new year feeling sluggish post-holiday, where increased socialising has likely meant increased eating and drinking. For others, warm weather means continuation of the holiday season. Whatever your situation, there is no need to put your health on hold during this time.  

Working with a practitioner to implement supportive yet realistic practices that support your body post festive season can ensure you begin the year happy & healthy.

A few simple ways to reset post holidays include:

〰️ Start your day with the juice of ½ lemon in warm water to support liver function and stimulate digestion

〰️ Write out a meal plan and put aside some time on a weekend for meal prep to ensure you have healthy food on hand. Easy foods to batch cook include roast vegetables, quinoa, chia puddings & boiled eggs

〰️ Carry a drink bottle with you throughout the day to encourage hydration. Utilising an app such as 'Gulps' can also be useful for regular reminders to hydrate

〰️ Put aside some time to move your body daily, in any way that feels good for you

〰️ Aim to increase your diversity of plant foods to support gut health. Choose 1-2 new vegetables to include each week, or utilise a seasonal produce box to ensure seasonal variety



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