Treatment Options For Recurrent Vaginal Infections

There are several different treatment options when it comes to treating recurrent vaginal infections, and it is important to remember that treatment will vary depending on the person - no two treatment plans look the same!

While treating recurrent vaginal infections needs to involve addressing driving factors such as diet, lifestyle, sexual partner, gut microbiome health, the nervous system & hormones, topical treatments are something I use a lot of in clinic to address microbial overgrowths, increase lactobacillus levels & relieve symptoms!

Treatment options include:

Herbal creams – a cream containing specific herbs + nutritional ingredients inserted into the vagina or applied topically to the vulva

Oils – specific oils (such as fennel, sea buckthorn) applied to the outer vulva as a moisturiser, to aid repair of damaged tissues, reduce inflammation and keep the vulva hydrated

Vaginal rinses – a liquid mixture dispensed into the vaginal canal with a syringe, to “rinse out” the vaginal canal

Sitz baths – a shallow bath in which a person sits in water up to their hips. The water may have herbs or other ingredients added to produce a specific effect. Eg. ACV, green tea

Pessaries – a nutritional preparation inserted into the vaginal canal

Intravaginal probiotics – specific probiotics inserted into the vagina

Topical sprays – soothing liquid mixture sprayed directly onto the vulva


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