The Gut Microbiome

A healthy gut microbiome makes for a healthy individual.
Our gut is home to trillions of bacteria that are important for overall health. It is the delicate balance of this gut bacteria that is integral to so many facets of health, and an overgrowth of opportunistic gut bacteria, known as dysbiosis can manifest as:
〰️ poor digestive function: bloating, irregular bowel movements, nausea, lack of appetite, flatulence
〰️ low energy and low mood
〰️ skin conditions such as acne, rosacea & eczema
〰️ compromised immune system and autoimmunity
〰️ hormonal imbalances such as endometriosis
〰️ low iron
〰️ thyroid dysfunction
+ much more!
Focusing on healing the gut will improve overall health to reduce inflammation, regulate immunity, increase nutrient absorption and ultimately support a healthy balance of beneficial gut bacteria

Simple ways to support a healthy gut microbiome include:

〰️ incorporate a diverse intake of fruit and vegetables in your diet - the gut loves diversity!

〰️ consume prebiotic + probiotic foods to feed beneficial gut bacteria

〰️ avoid consuming water around meal times, as this affects digestive function

〰️ incorporate bitter foods such as rocket, radicchio, olives & dandelion greens to support stomach acid production

Functional gut testing is a valuable tool used in clinic to identify the underlying cause of an individual's digestive issues. This type of testing is particularly beneficial for those who have chronic digestive issues, or who have seen no improvement from previous treatments. I like to take a 'test don't guess' approach to treatment to ensure that we are following the best course of treatment for each individual.
Functional gut testing gives us a really clear picture of exactly what is going on in the gut, and allows us to treat really specifically. This type of testing can show us:
〰️ bacterial overgrowths
〰️ inflammatory markers
〰️ digestive capacity markers
〰️ parasites & pathogens
〰️ immune markers
〰️ levels of beneficial bacteria


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