Sleep Tips For Healthy Hormones

When was the last time you had a good nights sleep? Sleep is one of the foundations of health, and poor sleep can contribute to a multitude of conditions and illnesses.

Our body has an inbuilt body clock that tells us when it is night and day, called the circadian rhythm. This clock is largely dictated by the natural day/night cycle however it is influenced by food intake, energy use and screen exposure. Factors that disrupt our body clock and melatonin production include: blue light from devices, caffeine intake, light and noise exposure in the bedroom, alcohol intake and irregular sleep/wake times.

Tips for optimising sleep include:

  1. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol before bed

  2. Limit exposure to screens at least one hour before bed due to the stimulating impact of blue light and its impact on melatonin, our sleep hormone

  3. Incorporate a wind down routine before bed - light a candle, reading, breathwork or journalling

  4. Try and wake up at the same time each morning and expose your eyes to sunlight on waking to regulate circadian rhythm


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