Post-Viral Fatigue

As we enter into the cooler months, cold and flu season is rife! While treating an active infection is important, so too is supporting the body post illness to ensure a complete recovery. Nutrition, lifestyle and herbal medicine can help to support energy production, support the nervous system to prevent viral reactivation and reduce the duration and severity of post-viral fatigue.

Symptoms of post-viral fatigue include:

〰️ fatigue & general weakness

〰️ poor concentration

〰️ brain fog

〰️ headaches

〰️ muscle weakness, aches and pains

Nutritionally, it is important to support the body post illness to ensure the body is receiving the nutrients it needs to recover properly. Ensuring you are consuming a balanced, whole food diet is crucial for recovery.

〰️ Slow cooked, warm and easy to digest foods such as soups, broths and stews, are advised to nourish and promote convalescence.

〰️ Focusing on brightly coloured fruit and vegetables will ensure adequate antioxidant intake.

〰️ Probiotic rich foods, such as yoghurt and fermented foods to promote digestion and support the gut microbiome, as 70% of our immune system is located in the gut.

〰️ Incorporating medicinal mushrooms such as reishi and chaga can be beneficial in promoting convalescence due to their immune modulating and energy supportive properties.

〰️ Increasing consumption of garlic, ginger and turmeric for their anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Much like during an active infection, rest is a key component of recovery. Gentle movement is encouraged, if and when you feel up to it. Time in nature, and exposure to mid-morning sun becomes particularly important post infection due to immuno-regulatory role of vitamin D. Adequate hydration as well as stress management are important lifestyle considerations when supporting post-viral fatigue.

Supplementation can be beneficial in the recovery phase to support the body in recuperating. As always, it is important to consult your healthcare practitioner before self-prescribing as supplementation will vary based on individual needs, however useful supplements include:

〰️ CoQ10

〰️ NAC

〰️ Vitamin C

〰️ Vitamin D

〰️ Zinc

〰️ Magnesium & B Vitamins


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