Iron Deficiency

Symptoms of iron deficiency can include:
〰️ fatigue
〰️ weakness
〰️ dizziness
〰️ light-headedness
〰️ headaches
〰️ heart palpitations
〰️ shortness of breath
〰️ frequent infections
〰️ dry skin, hair, mouth
There are many factors that contribute to low iron including:
〰️ heavy/long periods
〰️ low stomach acid
〰️ pregnancy
〰️ Coeliac disease
〰️ parasite infection
〰️ caffeine & dairy
〰️ plant-based diet

In order to correct an iron deficiency, it is important to work with a practitioner to get to the bottom of why your iron is low in the first place in order to address the root cause.
Iron rich foods to include in your diet:
〰️ red meat
〰️ organic liver
〰️ cooked lentils
〰️ cooked spinach
〰️ figs
〰️ parsley
〰️ dried apricots
〰️ spirulina
To increase iron through your diet:
〰️ ensure you are consuming iron rich foods with vitamin c (such as lemon juice) to increase absorption
〰️ consume iron rich foods away from calcium rich foods as calcium inhibits iron absorption
〰️ consume iron rich foods away from phytate containing foods ie. legumes, beans, nuts & seeds as these bind to iron
〰️ ensuring adequate stomach acid production is key to absorbing iron! Consuming bitter foods before meals, chewing slowly and mindfully and avoiding water during meal time can help to increase stomach acid production

Iron supplementation often forms part of treatment for iron deficiency. When it comes to iron supplementation, quality is so important! Things you need to consider when supplementing with iron include:

Form 〰️ many forms of iron are poorly absorbed by the body and can cause constipation. We want to look for iron bisglycinate, as this is the most absorbable form of iron.

Dosage 〰️additionally, many over the counter iron supplements contain more iron than can be absorbed by the body, which can cause digestive upset. The body can only absorb around 24mg of iron at a time. Many popular over the counter iron supplements (such as Ferrograd C) contain up to 105mg of iron - this excess iron cannot be absorbed by the gut and instead irritates the intestinal tract, leading to digestive symptoms.

Timing 〰️iron absorption is inhibited by other nutrients (such as zinc and calcium), so iron supplements need to be taken away from other supplements, and away from foods rich in these nutrients (such as dairy). Additionally, tannins found in caffeine inhibit the absorption of iron so iron supplementation needs to be taken away from tea & coffee! I usually recommend taking an iron supplement last thing at night.

As always, it is best to speak to a practitioner regarding personalised advice around supplementation.


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